
Update on the progress of IndoAnglian Conversation

Roshan has been busy preparing drawings and installations for his show that opened in Mumbai yesterday and I've been preparing backgrounds for our conversations, when they resume. I'v e found painting in this very restricted abstract way comes so easily, it feels almost too flowing and satisfying. I'm making painting with empty text boxes and empty circles, freely moving and intersecting acorss the white board, letting the white play too, with lots of lovely subtle squishy marks.

Why can't I do this with the human form? Why is this easy? These look to me like proper paintings, they do exactly what I want them to do, but I don't feel very gripped by them. Maybe when Roshan begins throwing some ideas at me they will start to become more engrossing, maybe get some colour in, the occassional nose or boot or moustache.

I like the emptiness of the forms, is is an invitation to fill in the blanks with something. I've applied to paint these live at the Edinburgh Festival with 'ZOO", waiting to hear if that;s going to be accepted.