
'Daily Optical Experiment' on Twitter

I'm still unconvinced about Twitter. I started doing it last year as my contribution to marketing my Arts Council funded residencies, to connect with the audience and record what I was doing. A year later, I've got about 150 followers but I can't say anything concrete has come of it - worst is the feeling that it's demeaning and addictive, while not achieving its object of effective promotion. The introductions I made are ones I could have made in the flesh.

Last October I went to Sluice, gritted my teeth and schmoozed. It was such a jolly place that chatting was no problem and I left my card with a few people. In January I skulked around the London Art Fair plucking up courage to nonchanantly introduce myself to gallerists and had a pleasant conversation with Cathy Lomax of Transition, but couldn't bring myself to whip out my Ipad and dazzle her with my pictures.

The main disapppoiintment is that I have now a (very) few fun Twit friends but haven't struck lucky with a community of like-minded artists. Maybe I'm trying so hard to be interesting that I've rendered myself incomprehensible? Anyway, I've just started a daily optical experiment - partly to keep my hand in, partly as bait to allure an audience.
RealNon-Real project image